The conference will take place on Friday October 19th, 2018.
Friday, October 19
Breakfast and Registration: Mid Vidalakis Dining Room
8:00-8:30am: Breakfast, name tag pick up, and registration
Introduction and Talks: Stanford Investor’s Common
8:30-8:45am: Introduction
8:45-10am: Insights from Data
Andy Schwartz, Stony Brook University
Susan Athey, Stanford University
Amir Goldberg, Stanford University
10-10:30am: Break
10:30-11:45am: Machines at Work
Hila Lifschitz-Assaf, New York University
Kevin Crowston, Syracuse University
Angele Christin, Stanford University
11:45am-1pm: Lunch (Mid Vidalakis Dining Room)
1-2:15pm: Working with Machines
Malte Jung, Cornell University
Deirdre Mulligan, University of California, Berkeley
Matt Beane, UC Santa Barbara
2:15-2:45pm: Break
2:45-4pm: Footprints, Digital or Otherwise
Samuel Gosling, University of Texas
Poruz Khambatta, Stanford University
Sandra Matz, University of Columbia
4-4:15pm: Break
4:15-5:15pm: Discussion Panel
Byron Reevs
Munmun de Choudhury
5:15-6:15: Reception & Posters (East Vidalakis Dining Room)
6:15-8:15pm: Dinner (Mid Vidalakis Dining Room)